A wide variety of Switches are available including environment-resistant models that are compact, thin, and durable, two-circuit models with spatter countermeasures, and four-circuit models with bifurcated contacts and a block-mounting system.
There are 7 products of General-purpose Vertical.
Two-circuit limit switches that can be selected to match the operating environment and application WL-N/Basic models, WLG/High-sensitivity and High-precision models
Sealed, Compact, and Slim-bodied Switch Offers Choice of Many Actuators
Many Models Including Roller Lever Switches are Only 16-mm Thick with Connector
Compact Vertical Models Sized for Asian Standards
Economical, Miniature Limit Switch Boasting Rigid Construction
The Limit Switch with Better Seal, Shock Resistance, and Strength
Wide Range of Two-circuit Switches; Select One for the Operating Environment/Application WL/Basic models